People we know are living and doing some great work around the globe. Let's share information!
We've got talented and friendly local musicians, cycling, energetic politicians, artists, farmers, and labor organizing, immigration justice work, beer-brewing, and pride... (we also have this great waitress and child care provider with a special interest in sex work and birth control methods)
Another fine (in looks and quality of mind) crop of Simmons Women are about to graduate (with a speaker much less vagina-rific than mine). I recently had the chance to spend 9 days with a small sampling on Vacation #1. PR, Marketing, Art, Arts Administration, Photography, and a start-up grassroots social and cultural activist hive "Kinetic Artivist Collective" that will be coming together in South Africa in January '09.
Alicia just worked the WE LEARN Conference (she's a board member and coordinated language access for the entire event!). Excellent work, amazing women, and clip art. Fordham University has an article about WE LEARN, focusing on women and wealth. NYC is also home to a million cool graphic designers and contemporary hipster bohemian types. One of them is a dear friend named Jesse.
My sister from another Mister, Caroline, is tearing it up folk-style. Please check out her tunes and then buy them. You won't regret it. I'll be over there soon to hug her for you.
Nick Mahshie is painting up a storm at Residencia Corazon with distinguished title of "El Primer Yankee."
South Africa
See Kinetic Artivist Collective above. Brought to you by Erica Bowman and Jazz. Get in touch with me if you have interest in the KAC.
People are doing all sorts of work over there, despite the current events. Tamar's website seems to be having trouble, but you can check out ArtWorks Armenia via her father's coffee shop in Sacramento. Dual-citizenship legislation has been passed in Armenia!
* * * * *
I think my long-term plans include being everywhere.
Care to come with?
Let's plan trips together!
I have free time this summer, and for the rest of my life.
p.s. I'm trying to volunteer at an urban apiary this summer... any suggestions?
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