My best friend since childhood who is a world traveler and folk musician. Her music is raw, unadultered, and honest (trust me). Her voice is gorgeous. And she's super nice. Her CD makes a great holiday gift, if you're into supporting indie arts.

Two foxy dudes who get everyone dancing. I love these men (for many reasons, including Julian's and Ziggy the cat) and I love these heavy electro tunes. Just enough creepy and dark to keep it standing apart from a lot of other electronic music.

These two former coworkers of mine lay it on with layers of filth / creep / dark. They would be paid to work on the soundtrack for my film (if I were ever to make one). Listen to it, and if you like it, come do scratch tickets with me and Anna Purna during my visit home.

Three dudes and a badass chick who are blowing up step by step... They tour often (CA soon?) and party with the best of us. Catch them around PVD working in your local Grocery or Corporate Chain Eatery, or boozin' at the favorite spots.

Self-described as "metalheads playing hardcore with a punk drummer." They throw a mean show (Vincent has a nice scar to prove it). Brendan just got a The Big Lebowski tattoo. Vegans and Athiests and Cyclists and Babe Magnets. I love these boys so much it hurts! Get in there and throw some loving punches.

Do you ever get the feeling that you just wanna jump into the street and start dancing? Thanks to the WCMB, summertime in Providence now means spontaneous parades, tree climbing musical merriment, gorilla costumed percussionists, and huge motherfuckin' dance parties in the city streets past midnight. Support their touring! Support the marching bands! (R.I.P. Decatur Lounge)

Independent hip hop collective. Tight as that rope on which the industry is walking. They don't perform as much as they used to, but don't miss the tunes which are well-produced and intelligently written. Delivered correctly. Fresh. My BFF Lara and I (and some spiced whiskey) did some of the back up on "Storm Davis Fucks Like a Puma," which has turned into a cult classic (of mine and Lara's). Catch them hanging at Providence's local taprooms and strippys.
Miss you / kiss you.
la la la
your blog is well maintained. you should blog about this gayday thing that is going on where the gays are planning to call out of work to prove that the world needs them to go round. it is in protest to having lost the right to marry in some places. Interesting? I think not, but spice it up. I also give you permission to blog about me and how awesome i am, even though i can tend to have a poor attitude. this is good stuff im giving you. you and i can get the word out about over population, and the need for control.imagine the beauty of the world with only 4 billion people.
thanks drew!
I'm actually going to a holiday party tonight thrown by the Lusty Lady in San Francisco, which is the nation's first unionized strip club.
I'm def going to blog about that...
As for overpopulation and gay marriage, I'll probably get to that in due time.
I think I already know your radical theories on population control.
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