Hi Carla,
As you may know, this month we are trying to reach every nonprofit
organization in the country to invite them to post their jobs and
volunteer opportunities on Idealist.org.
The biggest challenge we face in doing this, is that after 12 years of
promoting Idealist solely by word of mouth (we've never had any money
for advertising or marketing) we are suffering from a classic 'network
effect' - in some places we are very well known, while in other places
no one knows us, and therefore no one knows us…
At the bottom of this email you can see the number of nonprofit job
postings we’ve had so far this month, state by state. As you can see,
we could be doing better in Rhode Island :-)
And this is why I am writing you: to really jumpstart Idealist in
Rhode Island we need your help.
Are there any mailing lists in the state where you could post this
message? If you blog, or if you use Facebook or Twitter or any other
networking tool, can you give Idealist a plug and invite your friends
to join us?
Lastly, if you want to do more, let me know and we'll put together a
team of people who want to help share Idealist in Rhode Island.
Thanks in advance for your support, and all the best!
Ami Dar
Executive Director
Job postings on Idealist.org, June 1-17, 2008
NY - 1816
CA - 901
MA - 855
DC - 719
IL - 334
WA - 323
MD - 260
PA - 254
VA - 201
OR - 157
NJ - 146
TX - 116
FL - 111
MN - 86
OH - 84
CT - 78
CO - 74
NC - 70
AZ - 60
GA - 60
WI - 58
MI - 45
MO - 36
ME - 34
IA - 32
LA - 30
VT - 30
TN - 25
NM - 25
KS - 24
NV - 24
DE - 22
Rhode Island - 21
AK - 18
NH - 18
OK - 18
MS - 15
MT - 15
IN - 13
SC - 8
UT - 7
KY - 6
AL - 6
NE - 6
WV - 4
ID - 4
AR - 4
HI - 3
SD - 2
ND - 2
WY - 1
For more details, here is two-minute video about why Idealist.org is a
great place to post a nonprofit job.
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