So tonight I arrived home after a 16 hour work day at the restaurant (Local 121).
I love cooking, and I do pay attention to what happens in the kitchen when I'm at work with the professionals. It was a childhood dream of mine to own and be executive chef of my own restaurant (bonus points of you can tell me the name of the restaurant I designed when I was 7). Now it looks like I'm leaning more towards Brothel and / or Fine Dining Restaurant management...
It's 4:15am and I just made myself some bomb-ass Carla-Style Huevos Rancheros with black beans, avocado, eggy weggs, oatmeal toast, tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella.
If we're ever hanging out and I get the urge to go to the market and then cook for you --- let me!
It will be a pleasurable experience for all of us.
I know I'm a feminist, and I know what that means to me... and it surely includes cooking and cleaning and making you fat and happy.
So next time, when I say "Don't go to Haven Bros. Take me to the 24-hour Stop & Shop and I'll cook for you," believe me, and roll with it. Unless you got a hot date and you ain't got time for Huevos Rancheros (or vegan stir fry, or sauteed seasonal veggie panini on focaccia... et cetera).
Healthy delicious snacks and meals made with love by yours truly.
Lady 'La
Mmmmm! This dish sounds delectable! You are amazing! A great dancer, and cook! A person after my own heart! If you ever feel the urge to cook for me, I will be sure to not discourage it!
I cook once a month for friends, usually about 20 or so, and will invite you next time.
I enjoy reading your blog entries. We should connect on an intellectual plain sometime.
i know this one!!!!!!!!!! it had to do with pigs, or that was going to be the theme at least. shit. i remember the conversations so clearly but the name isnt coming. when pigs fly? carlas cafe? now im just making shit up. but really, i know this one.
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